United Church of Canada
Volunteer Duty Rosters
Please scroll down to find the information about your volunteer duty
Christ Candle Scripture Announcements/Prayer Book
​August 25 Ferne McLean Linda Laviolette John Bosma
M&S Helen Jone
Sept 1 Brenda Hicks Jennifer Walker Merle Milson
Sept 8 Bev Campbell Marjorie MacPhee Jeanne Breau
Sept 15 Patty Deitch **Holly Daley John Bosma
Sept 22 Linda McKinnon Elaine Dickson Sally Donald
Sept 29 Linda Laviolette Joan MacKnight-Savoy Wayne Mullin
M&S Marjorie Cassidy
October 6 Marjorie MacPhee Wanda MacDonald Judy Donnelly
October 13 Liz Mullin Patty Deitch John Bosma
October 20 Jennifer Walker Pat Boucher Judy Morrison
October 27 Bev Campbell **Judy Bowman Marjorie MacPhee
M&S Debbie Stymiest
November 3 Elaine Dickson Carol Johnston Merle Milson
November 11 Ferne McLean Linda Laviolette Jeanne Breau
November 17 Brenda Hicks Jennifer Walker John Bosma
November 24 Judy Donnelly **Marjorie MacPhee Sally Donald
M&S Helen Jones
** Scripture as well as Prayer Book
(Info below)
Offering Collectors Duty Roster
Sept. 22 Helen Jones, Brian & Joan Savoy, Marjorie MacPhee
Sept. 29 Bev & Barry Campbell, Holly Daley, Judy Donnelly
Oct. 6 Patti Deitch, Cynthia Duplessie, Dennis & Judy Morrison
Oct. 13 Debbie Stymiest, Moses Akinyode, Ernie & Ferne MacLean
Oct. 20 Helen Jones, Brian & Joan Savoy, Marjorie MacPhee
Oct. 27 Bev & Barry Campbell, Holly Daley, Judy Donnelly
Nov. 3 Patti Deitch, Cynthia Duplessie, Dennis & Judy Morrison
Nov. 10 Helen Jones, Brian & Joan Savoy, Marjorie MacPhee
Nov. 17 Bev & Barry Campbell, Holly Daley, Judy Donnelly
Nov. 24 Patti Deitch, Cynthia Duplessie, Dennis & Judy Morrison
Dec. 1 Debbie Stymiest, Jeanne Breau, Ernie & Ferne MacLean
Dec. 8 Helen Jones, Brian & Joan Savoy, Marjorie MacPhee
Dec. 15 Patti Deitch, Cynthia Duplessie, Dennis & Judy Morrison
Dec. 22 Debbie Stymiest, Moses Akinyode, Ernie & Ferne MacLean
Dec. 24 Helen Jones, Brian & Joan Savoy, Jeanne Breau
Dec. 29 Bev & Barry Campbell, Holly Daley, Judy Donnelly
At the beginning of the offering invitation, meet at the back of the church and proceed two by two forward, to pick up collection plates. The plates are on the bottom shelf of the usher tables on either side of the communion table at the front of the sanctuary.
Those closest to the windows go to outer side of the sanctuary and the other two collectors go down the middle aisle, making their way to the back of the sanctuary.
Once collection has been taken up, line up at the back of the sanctuary and proceed two by two to the front of church at the beginning of the offertory hymn. Remain standing with your collection plate until the end of the offertory prayer. At which point the member of the choir will pass their plate to the east side collector and then the outside collectors pass it to the collectors in the middle. Those two collectors will take the offering to the church office for counting.
If for any reason you are not able to fulfill your date please contact Cynthia at 506-773-5602 and she will find a replacement.
Thank you to everyone!
Information for volunteers (Please read the guidelines for your Sunday duty)
The candle(s) on the communion table will be lit in order to use the taper for the Christ candle.
If you are unable to attend on your scheduled week, please find a replacement and contact the office to advise so that a change may be made for the bulletin.
Guidelines for Scripture Readings
Begin by reading the “Prayers for Illumination”. You may ask the congregation to join you even though it is not highlighted.
If doing a “Responsive Reading”, begin by announcing the Psalm number and page. Then pause as the choir sings the refrain, 2 times. Also pause throughout the reading if you see an “R” (for refrain). You may also ask people to stand at the beginning if you so desire.
For the scripture readings, announce the name of the book, the chapter and finally the verses.
Ex. Matthew (book) 5 (chapter) verses 12-20
Guidelines for Announcements and Prayer Book
Begin by acknowledging who the bulletins are dedicated to for the week.
Follow by the memorials … do not mention the donor’s names.
Announce sympathies of the congregation and then any special occasions ie. Birthdays, anniversaries, etc.
Mention the flowers at the front of the church have been placed “in memory of” or
“in honour of “ by donor’s name.
Be sure to thank the worship volunteers in their various duties … greeters, sound system, powerpoint.
Remind the congregation of the meetings for the following week.
Briefly summarize events that are upcoming.
It is not necessary to go over “community events” as this may take up too much time.
It is wise to remain in the front pew as you will soon be needed to read the names from the “Prayer Book” during the ” Prayers of the People".
Guidelines for Greeters
It is important to be friendly and welcoming to all attendees but especially to visitors and newcomers.
Be at the church at least 40 minutes before the service begins.
Encourage guests/newcomers to sign the guest book (found outside the sanctuary in the entry).
One person is to bring the offering and the prayer book forward when the “Offertory Hymn” is being sung. Remain standing at the front with the plate and when the prayer is finished, return the plate to the office.