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The search for purpose and meaning in life can be an elusive preoccupation. It is not, in itself, exclusive to a religious life. However, most would concede there are holistic and spiritualistic essentials. Each augments an expansion of personal insight, wisdom and faith in something meaningful.

The Faith and Spiritual Development Team at St. Andrew’s United overseas many of the aspects that are devoted to spiritual growth and meaningful participation in today’s world. These include a variety of ministries featured on Sunday mornings and through the week. We are proud of our music ministry. New contributors are welcome.

Words are not enough. Knowing that, we offer pastoral care and outreach programs, weekly community kitchen meals and contribution to many local initiatives (Christmas hampers, food bank and more). Members and adherents assist in these initiatives and others such as Shrove Pancake supper and seasonal events.

The Team assists the minister with scheduling and administration of the sacraments; including baptism and communion. Support is extended to home communion and scheduled services at Senior Care Homes. In matters related to baptisms and marriages, we approve requests upon the recommendation of the minister.

A ten-member team meets monthly to plan and facilitate the work of our ‘community of faith’. We also acknowledge the work of the United Church of Canada in the wider world. Through Mission and Service, we help subsidize spiritual and secular programs in matters of inclusion, climate and sustainable living.

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